Ingredients: Ingredients (for 3 persons): 3 1/2L artichokes micro filtered milk 1 teaspoon of rennet (lactic ferment for yoghurt) 20cl single cream 10g agar agar powder (edible seaweed which buys stores bio) olive oil salt Recipe: Peel the artichokes: pull the tail and remove the leaves with a knife, taking care not to go too deep not to remove the heart. Then remove the excess and rub the green heart with half a lemon so it does not blacken. Finally cut the top of the artichoke to keep only the heart. Rinse the artichokes, cut into 4 and immerse them in a pan of cold water. Add a good pinch of salt and a good dash of olive oil. Cover and cook 10 to 15 minutes. In a saucepan, 1/2L milk micro filtered and raise temperature at exactly 37 C. Add a teaspoon of rennet. Mix and pour into bowls. Put the plates in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. Put the cooked artichokes in a blender using a slotted spoon. Add 20cl of liquid cream, 10cl olive oil, 10g agar. Add salt and pepper and mix until well blended. Taste and season according to his convenience by adding salt, pepper and artichoke broth and mix again. Filter the mixture and pour a good tablespoon in each plate. Add a little grated truffle and serve as an appetizer or with a beef tenderloin.
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