Sunday, February 23, 2014

Access to Public Information assaults attacks on journalists Threatened closure against Globovision

Newspapers camera exposes newsprint situation before deputies AN
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Joselin Ramirez, spokeswoman for the House of Newspapers, said the organization represents 83 national rotating, and that its proper functioning, the print media have required four months of paper on deposit, period of time it takes the import process paper .
He also indicated that companies importing newsprint must comply with seven steps that can take up to 150 days "we must accelerate processes. I'm sure all the press is in accordance with the law, but we have to talk with the Executive foam pads to know of these processes, and they are learning the reality of the industry, and can take action and legislate according to correct these lengthy processes must be accelerated. "
For their part, the deputies and members of the Media Commission of the National Assembly, Julio Chavez and Tania Diaz acknowledged that bureaucratic problems do exist in the process foam pads of making paper. foam pads "We do not deny that there are problems with pape, but there is much drama some media owners," Diaz said.
Rep. by the Bureau of Democratic Unity, Biagio Pilieri reiterated that between 9 and 12 media have closed for lack of paper, and many have had to reduce their page and stop publishing foam pads supplements. He also recalled that freedom of information is established in the American Convention, and paragraph 3 of Article states that "you can not restrict the right of expression by indirect methods or means, such as the abuse of government or private controls paper media for newspapers. "
However, the deputy of the PSUV, Tania Diaz, said there are non-governmental organizations have been responsible for spreading false information about the closure means further stated that "the mainstream media will resell the paper and newsprint does not escape economic warfare. "
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