Monday, February 24, 2014

Secretary Human Rights Office, Martin Fresneda, as the cause for the appropriation carton colombia

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Secretary Human Rights Office, Martin Fresneda, as the cause for the appropriation carton colombia of Newsprint Company is "virtually cajoneada" in the Federal Court No. 10 by Julián Ercolini, and predicted that from February, the agency heads "redouble efforts to progress within the record."
"The cause is paralyzed and it seems that the judge (Julian) has Ercolini the cajoneada. As plaintiffs, we provide important test measures throughout 2013, but no progress was checked. Inaction There is a cause for concern," said at Fresneda Telam statements.
And in this regard, he added: "When you finish judicial fair will come before the court and try to develop a strategy to produce more intense developments in the record."
The Ministry of Human Rights is plaintiff in the case in which the ownership of the company Papel Prensa by Clarin, La Nacion and La Razon daily in 1977, is investigated in a move that would rely on the complicity of the dictatorship military civic.
The company in question was a company founded by financier David Gravier, who died in a plane crash in Mexico, in 1976, after which the shares of the company passed carton colombia to his wife, Lidia Papaleo, and Rafael Ianover .
Both Papaleo as Ianover, who were abducted carton colombia by agents of the dictatorship, are complainants individuals that claim, along with the state, the Justice establish whether they were pressured to break under torture and threats ownership of newsprint to a company formed by the three daily and hosted by the dictator Jorge Rafael Videla.
The last significant as occurred in this case, initiated in 2010, had to do with the rejection of the First Chamber of the Federal Chamber of Buenos Aires about an order of unification of the three complaints in one, as Ercolini required.
"We celebrate the House measure because we understand that each complaint has the power to set its strategy. The House gave us the right on this point, but we want things to start moving real", claimed carton colombia Fresneda.
Specifically, the official referred carton colombia to the call for inquest on Hector Magnetto, Ernestina carton colombia Herrera de Noble, board members Clarin, Bartolomé Mitre, co-owner of The Nation, who are alleged to have driven carton colombia the appropriation.
But so far, only Ianover Papaleo and gave their testimonies in court as witnesses, and there is no certainty as to when the accused be summoned.
To Fresneda, this cause is vital in order to account for "corporate complicity with state terrorism" carton colombia which was held in Argentina between 1976 and 1983.
"It would give the impression that the judge Ercolini did not learn that in Argentina there was a civil-military dictatorship. There needs to be progress to even determine whether the defendants are guilty or not. Nor is it fair for them this state of uncertainty," he said.
Fresneda further noted that the head of the Monitoring Unit of Crimes against Humanity, prosecutor Jorge Aguad, made contact carton colombia with the record, and intended to have a performance in the case.
"There is no more time for political speculation. We are facing a complaint of facts against humanity. Hopefully this new year and start it right themselves," he said.
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