Friday, April 3, 2015

You can also use this recipe: 100 g of crushed roots of elecampane pour 1 liter of red wine, insist

The Annunciation - the spring festival, eating honeycomb holiday arrival of birds. The nature of his testimony saying: "At the Annunciation and bird nests do not put." "The Annunciation as he wants, and the stork zaklyakocha." "At the Annunciation of the bell, and in the spirit of carrots out" (spend juice). "Who lot of bread, a number of the Annunciation." "In the heat of the Annunciation - to harvest the nuts." Conducted at the Annunciation "Calling of Spring".
In the Gospel of Luke (1: 26- 38) tells how the angel Gabriel was sent by God to proclaim Mary, a virgin espoused to Joseph, that she was conceived by the Holy Spirit and give birth to the baby Jesus, which will be called the Messiah and Son of God. Confused greeting angel, Mary then assured of the truth of his promises and expressed his faith with the words: "Let it be to me according to your word."
Since at least the 2. Annunciation was seen as the first act in the history of Christian redemption, in which obedience to the Virgin Mary counterbalances the disobedience of Eve (interpretation and p ney Lyon). Day of celebration of the Annunciation was established on March 25, nine months before Christmas. With 4. there is another explanation for this date: atonement really should have started with the birth of Christ on the day of the vernal equinox, which is considered the day of creation, and in the month of death and resurrection of Christ (t. e. Easter). In the Middle Ages down the days of the year are often led by Feast of the Annunciation eating honeycomb (in England this custom lasted until 1752).
The first images of the scene of the Annunciation are 5 in. (Originally in the tradition of illuminated manuscripts), and subsequently the Annunciation becomes a favorite subject in Christian art and a constant theme in the Byzantine icon of, medieval sculpture and Renaissance eating honeycomb paintings.
Annunciation falls on any day of Lent or Easter week celebrations (light with dm and I tsu). Depending on this holiday every time has a special liturgy. The church celebration of the Annunciation is, will not be canceled, even if the holiday falls on Easter (such compound great feasts called "K and p opaskh and d"), and then connected with Easter hymns hymns I Annunciation. If the Annunciation falls on the post, the post for him weakened. The Annunciation is one day drinking p and q svyatavstva and one day n aslyasvyatavstva.
Name of the holiday "Annunciation", set in the Middle Ages, both in the East and in the West, a relatively late shek; The Catholic Church after 2 hours and Vatican Council returned to him earlier name - the "Annunciation of the Lord."
To take cooking wine 50 grams of roots elecampane, pour 50 g of 80% alcohol and insist in a dark place for 1 day. Then add 1 liter of white wine. After 4 days, and the infusion eating honeycomb is drained, filtered, and the roots squeeze.
Second choice: 15 g of fresh rhizomes elecampane boiled for 10 minutes in 0.5 liters of good wine, filter. Take 3 times a day for 50 to 100 g as a general tonic after a serious eating honeycomb illness or operations.
You can also use this recipe: 100 g of crushed roots of elecampane pour 1 liter of red wine, insist 14 days, strain. Take a quarter or a third of a glass with loss of strength and exhaustion. eating honeycomb
2. Remember eating honeycomb vivacity products: nuts, herbs, buckwheat porridge, oranges, apples, seaweed, fish. Do not rush and chocolate. But do not overdo eating honeycomb it. And in any case, do not sit on any diet.
4. The leaves of Kalanchoe useful e sts at weakening of the body or after a long illness. They purify the blood, neutralize harmful substances and help protect against colds. Some eat them in a pure form, but it is much better to add them to salads and potato salads, pre-washed and finely chopped.
5. If you have a weakness or lack of energy, vitality will find wine from horsetail. It is better to prepare in advance. To do this, 15 to 20 g of dried horsetail eating honeycomb have to insist in 1 liter of white wine in any period of 30 days. P avshklyanachki oh so nastoechk and every morning on an empty stomach - and you will gain back the lost vitality, strength, energy. Wine from horsetail can be used not only inside but also externally as a cleansing lotion.
5. Try to prepare the autumn birch and aspen round ki - lateral g forces and these trees thick 2- 3 cm. Birch round ki attached to the forehead, save you from sinusitis, the head - from migraines to his chest - from heart pains. Aspen round ki, squeezed in his hands, remove the most severe fatigue and nerves th voltage.
Herb St. John's wort has a long history of use in folk medicine in various diseases (it is believed that it treats "from 99 diseases"). St. John's wort has a pronounced bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties, which heals the wounds of the second; effective for colds, heart disease, has a bracing effect. It consists of

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