Serine Zachariasdatter got Oline Margrethe f. 03/07/1862 in Tranaplasset, Skei, Sparbu. Father Oline was Zacharias Svendsen Hofstad. It was her 1st lejermål and his 4. I'm looking for serine parents? I'll find a Oline Zachariasdatter in Tranaplasset with his mother's parents in 1865, but it was the right thing, should well grandfather hood Zacharias, and he does not ... Someone who can help me here? Bente Borgen Bergen
Serine Zachariasdatter cfoam got Oline Margrethe f. 03/07/1862 in Tranaplasset, Skei, Sparbu. Father Oline was Zacharias Svendsen Hofstad. It was her 1st lejermål and his 4. I'm looking for serine parents? I'll find a Oline Zachariasdatter in Tranaplasset with his mother's parents in 1865, but it was the right thing, should well grandfather hood Zacharias, and he does not ... Someone who can help me here? Bente Borgen Bergen Hello Bente! Taking this basis. From FS http: //www.familysea ... = Baptisms 1828. Zacarias cfoam Svendsen. No.. 10. Source Information: cfoam Nord-Trøndelag county, Mære in Sparbu, Ministerialbok No.. 735A05 / 1 (1825-1835), born and baptized cfoam in 1828, page 14. Permanent page link: http: //www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-17 cfoam But this must also of course be checked more closely including confirmations and in later FT Regards. Magne.
Seeing that Oline Margrethe Zachariasdatter is married and lives in Alversund in 1900. http: //www.rhd.uit.n...bnr=0003&lnr=00 In 1865, staying Serina Zachariasdatter (29 years) in Sparbu, with birthplace NÃ|rà y .. (She is well mother Oline Zachariasdatter) http: //digitalarkive...stnr=1429#nedre Baptism shows that mothers until Serine Zachariasdatter named Martha Sophia Olsdatter.Faren is Zacharias Andersen Sparbu cfoam (.Serine Zachariasdatter was illegitimate barn.Foreldrene was not married) Source Information: Nord-Trøndelag county, NÃ|rà y, Ministerialbok No.. 784A04 (1829-1859), born and baptized in 1835, page 29. Permanent page link: http: //www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-31 Permanent image link: http: //www.arkivverk...50503010401.jpg Same Martha Sophie Olsdatter is married to Ole Rasmussen, and they live on Trana Bakken in 1865. http: //digitalarkive...ostnr=907#nedre FS birth: 1814 marriage: July 16, 1840 North Trondelag, cfoam Norway parents Rasmus Olsen spouse: Martha Sophie Olsdatter https: //familysearch...M9.1.1/N7BQ-TXK ceremony between Martha Sophie Olsdatter and Ole Rasmussen, from church records. Source Information: Nord-Trøndelag county, Mære in Sparbu, Ministerialbok No.. 735A06 / 1 (1836-1848), Ekteviede 1840, page 215. Permanent page link: http: //www.arkivverk...y&idx_side=-133 Permanent image link: http : //www.arkivverk...50504040187.jpg
Hello Bente! Taking this basis. From FS http: //www.familysea ... = Baptisms 1828. Zacarias Svendsen. No.. 10. Source Information: Nord-Trøndelag county, Mære in Sparbu, Ministerialbok No.. 735A05 / 1 (1825-1835), born and baptized in 1828, page 14. Permanent page link: http: //www.arkivverk...ny&idx_side=-17 But this must also of course be checked cfoam more closely cfoam including confirmations and in later FT Regards. Magne. Hi! Can also take this. FT Sparbo 1865. Stigum upper. Zacarias Hofstad. http: //digitalarkive...8&merk=568#ovre Regards. Magne.
Thanks so much for your reply! We can follow Zechariah Svendsen and his parents on Hofstad. Oline Margrethe also uses Hofstad occasionally. But her mother, Serine Zacharias Daughter parents can not I, and who said: A Oline Zachariasdatter's Tranaplasset with his mother's parents in 1865, but it was the right thing, going well grandfather hood Zacharias, and he does not the ... ...
Mother of Oline Zachariasdatter, Serine Zachariasdatter, is found in post 3.Hun was born in NÃ|rà y in 1829, and her mother, Martha Sophie is married cfoam to Ole Ramussen and staying at Trana Bakken in 1865. (and granddaughter Oline Zachariasdatter living with them. )
I also thought first it was this, because Tranaplasset. But then there was his grandfather's name was not right .... And that the sheriff might not have a maid who had an illegitimate child .... I'll find a Serianne Sakariasdatter born in Mære parish in Sparbu, the 05/01/1830. She was born on Vodalen, Aune, parents Zachariah Jensen and Anne Johansdatter. I am not sure, I .....
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