Thursday, April 16, 2015

Thanks for the reply so far! Eg combines switch-reading with a little spring-win, so I have not got

In this shift by Magnhild Sakariasdtr, nourished on Torheim, it chronicled a quantity heirs. Eg has tumbled by more than once along the way, and would like to have help to find out. Arvelataren is utan livsarvingar and it gets chronicled several siblings and deira heirs. I should try me on a statement of what I think I find. I know no age Magnhild, but if I as a starting point says that she is 60 years and thus birthed about 1645 can ho vere balls to Zacharias Pederson on br No. 2 on Outer Torheim - this menu entry has eg taken from the village book, which also says that he has his wife and her daughter Magdeli Synnøve in 1646 - that's probably the poll tax. As siblings to Magnhild can I find in the shift Prince bromo Erik Sakariasson, death, Christian Sakariasson, tracing paper roll death, Systra: tracing paper roll Ragnhild tracing paper roll tydelegvis alive, Synnøve, death, Anne Sakariasdtr, tracing paper roll death, Marte Sakariasdtr, death. Eg core back with more later in the day.
Oldest brother Erik Sakariasson tracing paper roll is dead. He has leave Jacob Erikson, tracing paper roll Synnøve Erichsdatter married Rasmus Olsson Bjørhovde and Else Erichsdatter married Valdemar Myklebust. Synnøve Erichsdatter Bjørhovde have I in my base from before; ho birth born in the 1690 century and can perhaps be birthed venues throughout 1660. Eg also several Valdemar Myklebust, but know not sequences of dei it may be - whether there is a total of one of them and not ein which is Unknown to me . What gardener should we locate Erik Sakariasson on and what more we know about his children?
Other brother Christian tracing paper roll Sakariasson is also dead, and leaves the taking Zechariah Erik Peder and Christ Zacharias (!) Zones and daughters. This is enough typos for Christian zones and daughters. Where should we locate this family? Above Systra - Ragnhild Sakariasdtr winner as unmarried ago ho not subjects mentioned by man.
On use No. 1 at Myklebust Eid Valdemar Pedersen GM Else Erichsdtr. Isehaug, the same consumption Erik Sakariassen f 1608 br. 1646.I 1666 is Erich 58 years, sons Oluff 16 and Jacob 3 years. On Skar Eide Starem is Christian Sakariassen f ikr 1640 pray. from 1664, death in 1694, in 1701 is one Zacharias Chri. husmand on Mørkesettr. Rune
Thanks for the reply so far! Eg combines switch-reading with a little spring-win, so I have not gotten to read through everything yet - get see what I reaching into the night!
Other cysts are Synnøve Sakariasdtr, death and leaving three zones (not very even names) and 1 balls by names (Karen?) Markvardsdtr, death and leaving a wisps. These data may vote with a user-rekkja on Torheim in consequence Davik bygdebok.
Third sister blessed Anne Sakariasdtr Myklebust bereaved 4 children, nemleg Anne Myklebust man Christian Sigdestad; Blessed Christian - I read well eigentle Christ, but it stands without doubt Sjurson etterlatne 3 children, blissful Synnøve Vik their two children, and blissful Marte Andersdtr outer Isane their etterlatne tracing paper roll 3 born. Here it must be advice to identify several names. This last could perhaps be the wife of Ola Rasmusson Isane but in consequence changed after he in 1715 there 3 born. Fourth cysts are Marte Sakariasdtr, death and leaves the three born in Sogns shire. This may well be worse to localize.
What himself Dend Sl. Pigis fourth Sl. Sister tracing paper roll Marette Zacarias tracing paper roll Daughter living in Sogns Fogderjes 3rd effterladte Borne lod concerned, then tells Dend Dannemand Zacarias yttre Paulissen and Danne qvinde Mette Andersdatter Issehouen that Dend Sl. Girl paa sit outermost bekiendte that bem [eld] tea hendis Sister Sl. Marette tracing paper roll Zacarias Daughter was schyldig may UDJ 1 Kaaber Kiedel 3 rdlr., Which Dend Sl. girl belonged, tracing paper roll therefore tracing paper roll uden Sawn Bemtaş. Mette Issehouen that Dend Sl. Girl bekiendte that meerbem [eld] tea Sl. Sister tracing paper roll Sl. Marette Zacarias Daughter was may pligtig 1 oplandzaaklæde where the Bemtaş. Sl. Marette Zacarias Daughter effterladte Børn ej anything paa its Moders Veigne Udi arf effter may Kand bekomme but BOEN [?] 3 rdlr. and oplansche coverlets, tracing paper roll as the Sl. Mother to boen was schyldig for its Lod tags and annammer.- [& c.]
Ad # 8: The 3rd Systra, Anne Zacariasdatter Myklebust has 4 children. Ho has Vore married tracing paper roll 2 gongs, for her children, those referred with patronymics, Anne Andersdatter, who is married with Christen Sigdestad and Marette Andersdatter Outer Isane and Christen Sjursen; her father Synneve Vik is not board ...
What about Marte Andersdtr Isane - there are other candidates than Ola Rasmusson say wife? Where is that said one child more than this shift denominator. This Marte his son Anders overtek the current consumption at Myklebust as far as I can see.

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