Belarusians plastic foam will! "Alexander Tomatoes," Barry 2nd price category - and aesthetics! "(Video, Photo)
Animated film Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Fight gene Edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! Person "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here!
Not hiding the fact he loves aesthetics canteens and catering establishments. And this love is based primarily on the memories of good things from his childhood, youth and students. That is why Alexander Tomatoes, leader of Pomidor / off, except his admiration plastic foam for institutions catering plastic foam than unworthy or stupid. In a new series of the "Interests" - an exclusive tour of the iconic drinking and agulnaharchevnyh places in the city.
Time lightly mocked Soviet public catering, and attitudes towards them changed. But personally, I am happy when I see that where still running an old sweet eatery. Today, when we, as is commonly believed, began to live better, frankly, I sometimes plastic foam miss the mentality of these places. And so I decided to take you to my favorite plastic foam places. Memorable and iconic places for me and for many of my generation of Minsk and older.
And here is the first symbolic place! Today it is called the "Capital buffet", and once it was the largest city in the dumplings. plastic foam There, you see, under the guise you can still see the inscription - "Dumpling". It is unclear why these places were not widely (or rather, I'm sure they would have), but in Minsk such a huge Dumpling was one, and in Kiev and St. Petersburg, for example, there were many. How is there tasty food! Who is ordinary table: except plastic foam that the price level is slightly changed, and it works only till 16.00. Next to the dining room which operates nalivaechka - all that is necessary to the common man, you might say. Maybe so, but the former mentality and atmosphere of the country for Minsk dumplings left.
And here is the old pre-war house at Kozlov, 15. There were two coffee shops, one of the first cooperative, although the Soviets. They prepared a wonderful coffee sand, hot baked sandwiches, was also cheap vodka - smakata! And now here commercial benches, but as then, they work every day until 11pm.
Come on! There, on the side of the road so much more interesting! And by the way, I do not drive to places where it is best to drink (some of these institutions plastic foam do not exist as drinking), and talk about the once iconic places where certain people hanging out, and among them there were a lot of creative and notorious persons. Generally ensemble Kozlov Street from Victory Square has always been a place where you can carry out so-called "barflay." And this kind of culture, I think so.
Following we have a cafe "Milk" (laughing, "Thrush" by the people). By the way, unlike the dumplings, "Milk" cafe we had a big set. And there's another oddity against them: they are all in one point has become an institution, cook oriental cuisine (Uzbek, Azeri, etc). And this cafe "Milk" is no exception. Now is the restaurant "Al-Khalil." Interesting place: it retained its sincerity, but, in accordance with the Eastern traditions, alcohol is not sold. But very tasty cooked. I heard that the owner of the restaurant can be negotiated and calmly bring your own alcohol by ordering here banquet dinner or just dinner. Such is the intimacy. And also the second Price category.
Here we come to one of the most legendary places! Now it's called "Bar plastic foam 42" (or "tsiferka" among the people), but before many knew him called "coffin" ("coffin") (drink to "rake", said), because before the institution is a military cemetery also one of the oldest in the city. Why is a bar called "Bar plastic foam 42" I do not know, but this place has long been known, and more than one generation of Minsk, who runs down the street Kozlov. When before the wedding Liavon Volsky we are, we can say, drank up.
Here, as mentioned, see: and brandy, vodka and different prices and different species, and whiskey is, and martini plastic foam chynzana, soft drinks and energy drinks, and champagne! Well, all sorts of food - enough! And even with ikorachkay here we have something to eat, wings, sweet meringue cake and delicious coffee. One of the last places in the city where the unit is doing amazingly delicious coffee. I often go here: I like to drink a cup of coffee and sometimes something plastic foam to eat. Here are my favorite empanadas. Please! And even homemade jelly! Strange place!
We are on the busiest place - Komarovsky market. History has a very rich: once Komarovskoye swamp, today it is associated in most exclusively with trade. But it is also a creative district: near Komarovka lived and still lives many representatives of the Belarusian artistic elite. And here, in the midst of all this haggling, it was a very beautiful place, brutal beer and cooking. Now here is not
Animated film Culture improves life Adnak! Fair Projects In Search of the Dragon! Fight gene Edge. BY magic cards will Belarusian! Person "Let the language!" Black and White dozen verses. Reset - 2 Dozen. Restart Interests will be here!
Not hiding the fact he loves aesthetics canteens and catering establishments. And this love is based primarily on the memories of good things from his childhood, youth and students. That is why Alexander Tomatoes, leader of Pomidor / off, except his admiration plastic foam for institutions catering plastic foam than unworthy or stupid. In a new series of the "Interests" - an exclusive tour of the iconic drinking and agulnaharchevnyh places in the city.
Time lightly mocked Soviet public catering, and attitudes towards them changed. But personally, I am happy when I see that where still running an old sweet eatery. Today, when we, as is commonly believed, began to live better, frankly, I sometimes plastic foam miss the mentality of these places. And so I decided to take you to my favorite plastic foam places. Memorable and iconic places for me and for many of my generation of Minsk and older.
And here is the first symbolic place! Today it is called the "Capital buffet", and once it was the largest city in the dumplings. plastic foam There, you see, under the guise you can still see the inscription - "Dumpling". It is unclear why these places were not widely (or rather, I'm sure they would have), but in Minsk such a huge Dumpling was one, and in Kiev and St. Petersburg, for example, there were many. How is there tasty food! Who is ordinary table: except plastic foam that the price level is slightly changed, and it works only till 16.00. Next to the dining room which operates nalivaechka - all that is necessary to the common man, you might say. Maybe so, but the former mentality and atmosphere of the country for Minsk dumplings left.
And here is the old pre-war house at Kozlov, 15. There were two coffee shops, one of the first cooperative, although the Soviets. They prepared a wonderful coffee sand, hot baked sandwiches, was also cheap vodka - smakata! And now here commercial benches, but as then, they work every day until 11pm.
Come on! There, on the side of the road so much more interesting! And by the way, I do not drive to places where it is best to drink (some of these institutions plastic foam do not exist as drinking), and talk about the once iconic places where certain people hanging out, and among them there were a lot of creative and notorious persons. Generally ensemble Kozlov Street from Victory Square has always been a place where you can carry out so-called "barflay." And this kind of culture, I think so.
Following we have a cafe "Milk" (laughing, "Thrush" by the people). By the way, unlike the dumplings, "Milk" cafe we had a big set. And there's another oddity against them: they are all in one point has become an institution, cook oriental cuisine (Uzbek, Azeri, etc). And this cafe "Milk" is no exception. Now is the restaurant "Al-Khalil." Interesting place: it retained its sincerity, but, in accordance with the Eastern traditions, alcohol is not sold. But very tasty cooked. I heard that the owner of the restaurant can be negotiated and calmly bring your own alcohol by ordering here banquet dinner or just dinner. Such is the intimacy. And also the second Price category.
Here we come to one of the most legendary places! Now it's called "Bar plastic foam 42" (or "tsiferka" among the people), but before many knew him called "coffin" ("coffin") (drink to "rake", said), because before the institution is a military cemetery also one of the oldest in the city. Why is a bar called "Bar plastic foam 42" I do not know, but this place has long been known, and more than one generation of Minsk, who runs down the street Kozlov. When before the wedding Liavon Volsky we are, we can say, drank up.
Here, as mentioned, see: and brandy, vodka and different prices and different species, and whiskey is, and martini plastic foam chynzana, soft drinks and energy drinks, and champagne! Well, all sorts of food - enough! And even with ikorachkay here we have something to eat, wings, sweet meringue cake and delicious coffee. One of the last places in the city where the unit is doing amazingly delicious coffee. I often go here: I like to drink a cup of coffee and sometimes something plastic foam to eat. Here are my favorite empanadas. Please! And even homemade jelly! Strange place!
We are on the busiest place - Komarovsky market. History has a very rich: once Komarovskoye swamp, today it is associated in most exclusively with trade. But it is also a creative district: near Komarovka lived and still lives many representatives of the Belarusian artistic elite. And here, in the midst of all this haggling, it was a very beautiful place, brutal beer and cooking. Now here is not
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