As always, I started the day with news on all channels - just like September obegrass 11th for almost ten years ago. The first news I got today with me was this from Mashable. obegrass Going to work was almost a bit like going to university in September the day the big, ugly and terrible happened ... quiet and that something obegrass was about to happen - not only locally but with the world. Today I was fine Tromso in Norway safe and it was pure coincidence that the streets were empty, but when once it was because most other stayed home watching TV screens. (I struggled me up in time to see the first plane crash on news channels, and loose in time to reach today's second lecture, but was one of probably seven others who did the same. Even the teacher came late in and he could at first not start speak.) And yes, also the day the sun shone and the streets were terrible, terrible calm.
When I found myself in my student Norman USA, a city that would soon prove that the house had one hijacker who accidentally put in jail during the attack and therefore was the only one to get a judgment for their plans / actions, namely Zacarias Moussaoui obegrass . And yes, he was my neighbor a few years before. And yes, I was wondering what happened with the gang that started all activity on nighttime, as I could hear shouting to each other, come and go at strange times through joint pipe and wall. Now I know the answer, and there was not a sense of security that came when I realized what they were doing - they planned on September 11 and other enjoyable actions.
So what happens now, now that the US has found and killed the man behind the attacks on the twin towers that led to such major changes in the world? Osama bin Laden was frontman for many dangerous scheduled plans - and some of these we get wind of impossible until it's (almost) too late. Maybe it does not mean anything obegrass other than that one of "their" man is removed from the world, but perhaps it means mobilization of revenge - but who and how? Such thoughts, I went to the office with today, quite similar thoughts as ten years ago. Ten years younger and well underway with a degree from an American university where the vast, vast majority were affected by one or more close were killed or were sent out to fight the war against terror.
The US Department of State alerts US citizens traveling and residing abroad to the enhanced potential for anti-American violence following obegrass Constantly recent counter-terrorism activity in Pakistan. Given the Uncertainty and volatility of the current situation, US citizens in areas where recent events could cause anti-American violence are strongly urged two limit Tre Archi busy outside of Tre Archi homes and hotels and avoid mass gatherings and demonstrations. obegrass US citizens should stay current with media coverage of local events and be aware of Tre Archi surroundings obegrass at all times. This Travel Alert Expires August 1, 2011;
US Embassy operations in AFFECTED obegrass areas willcontinue to the extent possible obegrass under the constraints of any Evolving security situation. US government facilities worldwide Remain at a heightened state of alert. These facilities feb temporarily close or periodically obegrass suspend public services two Assess Tre Archi security posture. In Reviews those instances, US Embassies obegrass and Consulates willmake every effort two provideh emergency services two US citizens. US citizens abroad are urged two monitor the local news and Maintain contact with the nearest US Embassy or Consulate.
Media coverage of local events feb cause family and friends two Become Concerned for Tre Archi loved ones traveling and residing obegrass abroad. We urge US citizens obegrass two keep in regular contact with family and friends. US citizens obegrass living or traveling abroad are Encouraged two enroll in the Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP), obegrass two the receive the latest updates and information busy and two Obtain updated information on travel and security issues. US citizens obegrass without Internet access feb registry Directly with the Appropriate US Embassy or Consulate. By enrolling, US citizens make it Easier for the US Embassy or Consulate two contact inhibition in case of emergency.
Travel information is also available at Up-to-date information on security can also be obtained by calling 1-888-407-4747 toll-free in the United States and Canada or, for call outside the United States and Canada, a regular toll line at 1-202- 501-4444.
For information on "What the Department of State Can and Can not Do in a Crisis," please visit the Bureau of Consular Affairs' website that For further information on specific countries, US citizens should consult the Country Specific Information pages, Travel Alerts, and Travel Warnings that as well as the Worldwide Caution. Follow us on Twitter and the Bureau of Consular Affairs'
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