Thursday, January 30, 2014

So when you are in possession of a sense of calm and inner power, you will be ready to receive the

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Nathalie on BALANCE ... fo clear on BALANCE ... DAN THE BALANCE ... catherine on BALANCE ... dany2121 about BALANCE ... Jacques on BALANCE ... Jacques on BALANCE ... Jacques on BALANCE ... dany2121 about BALANCE ... Eliberan on BALANCE ...
Thought for the day: click
Caramel bolhs
A cordially Sylvie A Mary Adila Agnes Alain Loved the fun Fairy Love Angie Animalous Andrée Anne Annick (oasis) Aramis Aramis Aramis rhymester-échotier Arielle Au bonheur Babou Catherine Beaufort Belleulysse (Danielle) Biquette White Bonheur du jour Briard bolhs Breton Bric Broc Cinnamon Cassandra Cathy Charles Chris Blue Lemon Claire Claire Claire 2 Fo Clara Courteline Créas Paradise (Roger) Cricri Cricri love Cricri Margot Cyra Dan Danielle Daninoune Dany Dany South China to Netherlands Dany Dany Vendée Gladys Dany21 Dany85 Day Dede-Lys Dinosaur Doc Domi Domi Domi Denjean Normandy Edelweiss Eglantine Elandra bolhs Eliane Eliane Emma 2 spurge Esperança Evelyne Faby Fabymary Fanni Fatimato Fleure Francine Francine Francine Fontaine Fleurette Françoise G Fred Fruito Gaëlle Gérard Picardie Heidi Heleanne Heyden Nicole bolhs Iris literature Isa drawing Janine Jasmina Jean Jeanmi Kalina Katara katty Keuouest Kelly's claw wolf La Nonna Blue Bunny Lara Lecia garden Free Lilianne Linda & Picasso Line Louvard Lydia Lydia Maria Maria 2 Mamietitine Mamounette Dora Marie-Andrée Marie-Elise bolhs Marie-Loup Mariposa Marithé Martine Sep-Maryland Blue Methuselah Sir Méditerannée Merlin Michael Michele Michelle Micky Micky revenue Minouche Nadine Nana Nana Nathalie Nathalie Nanacoco 028 Nays Nettoue Nicole Daisy Pascal passions kitchen legs velvet Pattycolle Philibert bolhs Philippe Philippe Literature Recollects Richard Rosia Sarah Serge Silivren Sonya Surur Tahar Tataray Tatiana Teranne Thalia Tiot Touria Tulip A bit of everything Come Vikki Vulcano Yvon Zazou talking about energy-Motivation: In the evening, some go to the movies, others in the restaurant, others two, others watch TV. Me, I listen to my favorite bolhs radio reading and rereading Motivation-energy, exploit blogosphèrique Foam. Because bolhs yes, Moss is the internet that Coco Chanel was the mode, an example, an inspiration, bolhs the great great class. signed
So when you are in possession of a sense of calm and inner power, you will be ready to receive the information or inspiration or wisdom which may be necessary for the development of your goal.
So here allows me not being completely agree with your ticket today because inspiration can also come from a big fuss around, I knew a painter like that, or even or even Offenbach who could not cope, so have the inspiration, when children play around him making a lot of noise, but probably for most others, must complete bolhs tranquility?
HELLO MOSS WOOD good listening this morning was inspired by the domestic iron that says "me" go thou didst move work "" bolhs good so I'm going to drink this my chicory / coffee and then go see this nice iron waiting for me and then go after three races today a good mistral and it's bolhs fine like that microbes do not have time to grow into the kind GOOD DAY BIG KISSES LITTLE BLUE LOTUS TA ZAZA
as beautiful pictures and beautiful words to start the day in serenity thank you Mousse good day to you so I send you lots of kisses of friendship estpérant it rains at least you here where it rained all night without stopping even at daybreak! bolhs to quickly foam.
You get up very early to write on your blog. It is not yet nine o'clock in Jerusalem, as there is an hour time difference, it is barely 8:00 in the morning. When do you sleep? Good day.
Hello my little Mouisse Oh this is pretty colors on all these beautiful pictures ..... my home is the sky that is not beautiful bolhs and yes it is not the sun that I pass you make a hello today is the return of the rain she does not want us to let go .... it's tiring but my inspiration is coming every day faitre hi to my friends (e) and c ' is the smile that I submit my hello in the morning to wish you a sweet day and full of pet

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