Atherosclerosis is the stage in which the various fatty materials (Athiromas or Athirosklirotis pieces) within the walls of the arteries of large and medium-sized deposits are being developed. Arteries which leads to reduced production of clotting or blood flow are reduced or completely cut off. The effects of atherosclerosis brain, heart, kidneys, medium and large arteries of the legs on the other vital organs can be. Plaques of medium and large-sized arteries, which normally are branches of the arteries, can be dispersed.
How is atherosclerosis? Development of atherosclerosis, is complex but the primary event, through various mechanisms frequent microscopic damage to the artery wall. These systems vieux papier usually include vieux papier turbulent vieux papier flow of blood, physical stress (which is high blood pressure), chemical abnormalities (high cholesterol, diabetes), and immune system vieux papier associated vieux papier with inflammation (some bacteria, virus infection, etc.), stress, tobacco smoke . Artery atherosclerosis begins with the injuries, which produces chemical signals which certain types of white blood cells associated with the arterial wall is caused. These cells are transformed into foam cells, cholesterol and other fatty materials are collected, and the smooth muscle cells of the artery wall that trigger growth. So if it's not treated, continue to accumulate fat Sunny foam cells. Thus, various deposits (Athiromas, called plaques) in the lining of the artery wall covered with caps constitute a fibroid. Over time, calcium accumulates in plaques. These plaques seem to open (rupture), vieux papier blood can be divided inside. This material is a blood clot formation. These blood clots can block the flow of sudden artery, which is the main cause of a heart attack or stroke. Sometimes these blood clots or pieces breaking off completely, go anywhere in the body through the blood is blocked artery.
Common risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis include: Smoking: This is the most important modifiable risk factor. Smoking, snuff or chewing tobacco is dangerous in all forms. Coronary artery vieux papier disease is the direct impact on the development of tobacco, tobacco consumption is related to the daily volume. Under the protection of women before menopause vieux papier hormonal influences on smoking vieux papier in women after menopause vieux papier are at greater risk of being. People who have a high risk of heart disease by Menphle, tobacco use is particularly dangerous. Passive Smoking (another of the smoke) also contributes to increased risk and should be avoided. Cholesterol levels: the most important causative factor for atherosclerosis have high levels of cholesterol. Laipo fat in the blood protein called protein Complex. Laipo two major types of protein (low density lipoprotein), LDL and HDL (high density lipoprotein) are. LDL cholesterol, or "bad cholesterol deposits in the walls of the arteries contribute to the blockage of the arteries, eventually causes heart attacks. On the other hand, HDL cholesterol, or 'good cholesterol in the blood is mixed, to be deposited in the walls of arteries, thus reducing the risk remains. Low HDL cholesterol levels are usually increased levels vieux papier of triglyceride in the blood remains. In this case, the risk of heart disease. Increased levels of cholesterol in age and menopausal women generally are not more than the men. May increase the level of post-menopausal women. Many genetic disorders can also cause high levels of cholesterol or other fats. Coronary artery disease remains untreated, they can die at an early age. Hypertension: uncontrolled high blood pressure is a risk factor vieux papier for the development of atherosclerosis, the inner lining of blood vessel injuries because it promotes the formation of plaque. Doctors usually try to get blood pressure under 140/90 mm, and often diabetes or kidney disease complications can be reduced to less than 130/80 mm. Diabetes: Type 1 diabetes and in patients with type 2 diabetes may be more likely to develop atherosclerosis in large arteries. May develop atherosclerosis at a young age and is widely especially in women who do not have diabetes. Women who are diabetic, healthy women, unlike their counterpart, does not protect from atherosclerosis before menopause. People who are diabetic, they are more at risk of death, the person had a previous heart attack, and it is extremely important to help these patients, other risk factors, such as high cholesterol and high As blood pressure) should be carefully controlled. Obesity: Obesity is the most important in the excessive vieux papier weight of the stomach, which can increase vieux papier the risk of coronary artery disease. I addition to other diseases, high blood pressure, increases the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol levels vieux papier and contributes to atherosclerosis. vieux papier To reduce the risk of these diseases is important to lose weight. Physical inactivity: a modest degree of physical inactivity increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease
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