Saturday, February 7, 2015

One morning, he saw Zogolo pair of birds of a different kind, which has yet to see. Birds purple, s

And here's the story, which passes from father to son and mother to daughter for generations. And each generation passes, evolving story, more characters packaging material and details, but Halilo- same plot, only the characters from the faces and names. Father says to his child and soft next to the bed, and a number of surrounding fire chief, as I heard one of my journeys, "the act of a distant country, over the mountains, on a small island in the Pacific. This country lived peacefully families of farmers. They worked on their land, seed, plowed and harvested, and sat around the fire at night, in the moonlight, sang and told stories. This country was the king, Zogolo name, king of good and caring people. Never weighed heavily on him and decreed packaging material severe. Actually not sentenced any decrees, packaging material that the king wanted to be Zogolo but ornithologist. All his hobby was to sit on a tall tree, armed with a camera and binoculars, watch birds and scribbling notes in his book about the colors packaging material of birds, speed Toftn, eating and other customs. Zogolo's dream was to be, a bird, but had the misfortune to be born as a prince in a royal family! And neglect of all the affairs of the kingdom and spent many hours on the top of the tree.
One morning, he saw Zogolo pair of birds of a different kind, which has yet to see. Birds purple, shiny, bright orange-cost source and sharp eyes and blue. King Zogolo said: "What a strange thing! I have never seen such birds on the island! "And immediately ordered his minions to capture the birds. Servants packaging material immediately filled the command and capture the two birds. Hcnisohn into a golden cage was placed in the King. But the king Zogolo, so excited discovery, revealed new bird eyes, would not lock up a pair of narrow caged bird crowded. He demanded immediately packaging material flush magnificent swimming pool in the courtyard of his palace, placed in the center of the pool Tun, about two feet in diameter and four feet deep, drink from the same water birds bathe and paddle in the hot days. And ordered to plant a tree, it will be able to sleep at night. And more Tziooh- every week, on Sunday, will be dissolved on the floor of the pool lay just thirty centimeters, measured bar, peanuts and raisins of edible birds. Plenty of food for birds lone pair, not a king as our King Ihsir favorite bird thing. Tentatively at first entered the pool birds, feared because no longer be able to fly in the sky, because the roof is placed packaging material over the pool. But when they saw the flu food prepared for them, will have realized that he would never fly in the sky in search of a worm or a piece of Bamba, something to eat, and went happily. After three months of time in the pool, laid three eggs a female bird, of which, three great purple chicks as their parents. And bird life continued year after year. Every once in females birds lays two eggs, or three, packaging material or four. And each week, on Sunday just, filling the floor of the pool serving peanuts and raisins, just a foot. That the king ordered generous, and the king does not deviate from the desert. And if they want to deviate from the King's servants, could not, because the money they had deposited in quantity enough to buy peanuts and raisins just a foot. From year to year went to the purple-growing birds, but they always had food in abundance, that the servants of the king filled the pool great food. The birds lived in harmony and joy pool for many years, on the ground around the pool, eat fruits, packaging material playing with each other, and at night go to bed at a tree. When bred birds, and the tree could no longer hold the weight, the king planted another tree, so it was enough room for the two trees per bird. During this time, you're probably asking, what happened out of the pool? Well, while it saw the original cost green birds Pink the abundance of food available in the pool and envied the birds virtues. Green birds, used to live in gardens villagers on the island, sat on their verandas and see all their actions. Green birds that lived on the island for a long time, man learned the language and understand all the words, and could speak their language. These green birds were too small and speed than the birds flying qualities. packaging material And because the people who lived in gardens and heard their conversations, heard of King Zogolo which keeps birds Bbrichto and caring for their needs. So people left their gardens and lived on the banks of the pond, waiting for an opportunity to enter. And this opportunity was not long in coming. One Sunday, when one of the servants poured in the peanuts, turned packaging material to another bag and while it left the rooftop pool is open! At this time, twenty green birds that were flying fast and very small, seized the opportunity and slipped in quickly. The king and his advisers have raised an emergency meeting on the subject, and discussed what to do. Finally got the better: these birds were exported from the pool, but the amount packaging material of food and water will not grow. The pool shall be completed in a foot food once a week, and a barrel of water will be added in a hundred packaging material liters of water, as always. Since green birds are twenty in number only, as opposed to birds of different qualities about a hundred birds, did not expect any shortages arise king. But green birds, they got used to live next to people and always envied the gay life style, thought to exploit the merciful king, and because they spoke their language, packaging material in contrast to the purple birds, asked many applications. Initially, sought their own tree, it will be able to sleep at night. King heard the request and ordered the servants to plant another tree. Soon felt densely green birds, and ask a tree for each bird. He can relax, packaging material stretch her wings, and meditate undisturbed. King said the birds: Know, I can fulfill your every request, but never casual and the food pile bottom of the pool two feet. If you want more trees, meant that the available pool area Lmsrtii deploy the food will be reduced. But green birds did not take the warning seriously, and dismissed it, saying that the pool is very spacious, and should not be viewed from one end to the other, and certainly no fear that there will be enough room for food. And purple birds did not ask more trees, because they liked to huddle together on the tree and warm each other and if they wanted to ask, did not speak the language of the King

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