There was no time and space before plastipak packaging inc the Big Bang. Our universe is about 13.7 billion years ago with the Big Bang explosion has become an extremely hot and dense composed of a point. In this period, a thousand times hotter than the present plastipak packaging inc universe was a billion times more intense, it was also small.
A small point thanks to the expansion of matter in the universe from the Big Bang expansion began with the explosion plastipak packaging inc or the stars, thanks to the separation of the galaxies of time were also formed. Each unit is a unit of time with the expansion. Expansion of the universe began with the Big Bang and to cool after about 300 thousand years after the Big Bang began to return to the free electrons plastipak packaging inc around the atomic nucleus or merger with a little drop of temperature. As a result, the first light visible light- and hydrogen atoms -that has occurred. It started early on hydrogen concentration in neutral as cold dark matter, which led to the formation of galaxies. With the merger of the two hydrogen atoms of helium continue occurred.
With the expansion and opening of congestion due to atomic plastipak packaging inc collisions and concentration in various places about 500 million years after the Big Bang, the universe began to form dense massive plastipak packaging inc galaxies and giant stars. These stars have provided the light to travel in space by ionized hydrogen.
This period occurs in giant stars consisted of only hydrogen and helium, which they explode as a supernova quickly consume energy and other heavy elements plastipak packaging inc in the universe ie they create or have other ele- spring. Brought many elements starting with hydrogen adventure. As is known, a hydrogen plastipak packaging inc atom contains one proton, helium 2 elements in the periodic table such as iron 26, and the like are arranged by the number of protons. Energy due to the explosion of the primordial giant star protons or hydrogen are formed in the presence of other elements combine to nuclear reactions.
Energy which stars explode as supernovae and much less living life. The little ones energy slowly disperse, living a long life. Stars formed as a merger of the atom; explode, releasing gas scattered around or emit a large molecular plastipak packaging inc cloud. This molecular plastipak packaging inc cloud; Or called Nebula Nebula. Some stars are released into the gas space, creates Nebula combine these gases. Some explode plastipak packaging inc as supernovae and more diffuse nebula of gas and dust containing poles around. Some people come into the Kırmızıdev grow and spread slowly. plastipak packaging inc Stars, in the end, as a white dwarf or neutron star, it remains tiny compared to the old finish is completely lost their energy. Gas and dust within the nebula formed in various ways, more supernova or supernova triggered by the shock wave from the explosion and / or the result of gravitational instability of the contents of atomic cloud combine atoms in the cloud reproduces the stars. Including excess hydrogen, Stars more hydrogen is composed of light elements such as helium, planets consist of the more heavy elements. Stars in order to avoid crashing into its own, a part of the environmental convert hydrogen into helium by nuclear reactions that take the "heat, light" energy radiates like.
Stars evolution process, the critical mass level is exceeded, ie, if the mass is too large, the effect will exceed the gravitational effect of the pressure so that there will be a black hole. In this case not sufficient to provide any force balance plastipak packaging inc is known and said body fully collapsed inward. Black holes is compressed to a small area of the gigantic mass. Through radiation can not escape, does not emit light and reflect light.
There are no volume, texels are only consist of excessive mass. When the black hole does not flow has stopped. Can occur suddenly exploded plastipak packaging inc in a supernova or a white dwarf star in the star. If our sun is a black hole would be a sphere with a diameter of only 6 kilometers and again the planets revolving plastipak packaging inc around the black hole.
Black holes, approaching him or his agents are swallowed and the light around the approach, so that mass increases, but should not be seen as a black hole that swallows everything. The escape velocity of the black hole mass is higher than the speed of light. Giant black holes, medium, and is divided into primary stellar black holes. Giant black holes found in the centers of galaxies, of which have a few billion solar masses or more times the mass. In the center of our Milky Way galaxy is a giant black hole. Stellar plastipak packaging inc black holes are the result of the collapse of massive stars is composed of a variety of interior. It is known that much of our galaxy and other galaxies. Primordial black holes, the big bang explosion are small-mass black hole formed as a result. plastipak packaging inc Black holes gravitational effect that there is much in the galaxy, the galaxy has properties such as strength plastipak packaging inc and characteristics influence of the stars. Black holes "in the universe is the most stable and longest lasting living bodies"
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