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Scratch the surface of the seed if it is a hard seed coat (like you would find on a bean or pea seeds) is. Do you have a sharp knife, a pin, or you can use a piece of sand paper. Using a knife, a small, seed-"eye" can cut off the shallow end. For a small seed, use a pin to poke a small hole. You can also use a piece of sand paper to be some scratches on the surface of the seed. All of these methods in the seeds of water to penetrate more rapidly, which would allow rapid germination.
Put the seeds in a pan or bowl of hot water. If you have many different kinds of seeds, so you want to use a foam egg carton and a seed packet in each section may be empty. (To mark sections so that you know which are the seeds do not forget that!) Water temperature may have started out hot, but can be any hotter running on your hands than you can stand for.
Add a small drop of dish soap to the water if you want to speed up the process even more. Detergent couch rolls to reduce the surface tension of water, it will allow the seed to penetrate more quickly. (Optional soaking detergent works without it.)
Seed (or soaking ago) instead of soaking, couch rolls you can try heating them. Seed heat in the microwave, use the lowest power setting. In the midst of a 30-2 four 15-second intervals with cooling time use.
If Baggie method, baggies couch rolls hanging near a window where there is plenty of indirect sunlight and check them each day. Baggies seed sprouted and you can see the root and stem of an emerging, plant them in soil (root side down of course).
If you want to keep up with the seed, you potting soil (potting mix until the already rich) can add plant food. Follow the instructions that come with the plant food.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License. Google
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