In the subway I saw familiar faces, it was weird, but I kept reading it was like to have forgotten the curaderas together, laughing, walking, eps foam penalties, i also pretty ugly circumstances. Why qé meter is well forgotten ?. Qiero not forget me all, that fome i would wrongly qiero qe this headache i go into the dimension where the Qinta hai no time for depression, the feeling of breaking eps foam everything eps foam or do nothing, like the bipolarity, eps foam no ... no estoi sick, qe qé would be. These voices speak of what qe qe will not listen ... the qiero me become hysterical, how to prevent more QE destroying everything? I do not know another way to prevent ... that should be the more correct. I do not qiero hurt but I've spent much time thinking about you, thinking about them, I do not qiero hurt but life is ending, do not qiero hurt but you do not estai not exist ... I swear, do not qise do mourn. Things just happen, qiero not be part of your shit with mine ... enough. I will always be (could).
Need that precise time while others leave surplus or abandoned because they no longer know what to do with the time in white, red, green, to dark brown, I do not mind the color, candid while I can not open and close like a door, time to look at a tree, a lantern to walk the half-time, to think how well today's winter, to die and be born a little quickly and to realize and give me rope. Precise time, the need to splash a few hours in life and to investigate why I am sad and getting used to my old skeleton, time to hide in the crowing of a rooster and reappear in a neigh and to be current to be at the night time shamelessly without clock, ie, accurate, ie, I need, say, I need time out of time.
Pleasure is a freedom song, but it is not freedom. It is the flowering of desire, but not the fruit. It is the abyss to the summit called QE but not the depth or height. It was caged qe qe spreads its wings, but not the conqistado space. Yes, pleasure is a freedom song. And I want to sing this song with qe heart, but qe not waste your heart on that song. We seek happiness as if it were all, and why we are judged we are i censorship. However, I think we must be allowed qe qe go after her. Is not it true human history qe digging the earth seeking roots i discovered a treasure ?. Some elders recall their hours of pleasure as youthful mistakes, but they should rememorarlas with gratitude, as the good harvest after summer recalls. Others believe qe seeking his pleasure may neglect their spirit. But does the nightingale alters qietud night or Firefly rivals the stars? eps foam Qien pleasure can tell if QE was not assessed hoi back tomorrow? Even your body knows its true claim. And your body is the instrument of your soul. Only you are able to draw from it sweet music or just sounds confusing. The question now is: How to distinguish, in HOMING happiness, qe qe is good from what is bad? Go to the field ia the gardens, learn qe pleasure bee is gathering pollen nectar of flowers. But giving nectar the bee is also the pleasure of the flower. Porqe for the bee a flower eps foam is a fountain of life. And to the flower a bee is a messenger of love. To receive eps foam pleasure i give both become a necessity in an ecstasy i. Khalil Gibran
Svefn-g-er englarég kominn aftur þig Thad inn i gott er svo ad vera Hero in Stutt stoppa við Flyt eg um i neðarsjávar Hydi to Hoteli beintengdur við rafmagnstöfluna nærist in Bidin GERIR og mig Leidan (brot hættan Sparka frá mer) to kall og (green ad fara) Hjälp eg spring ut og friðurinn loft upp i baðaður nýju ljósi eg graet graet eg og (aftengdur) onýttur heili settur to brjóst mataður og af-g-englum Svefn
Viðrar Vel Til Mig LoftárásaÉg Laet Lida Afram Gegnum Hausinn Í (Hugsa) Leid Halfa Afturábak Be Sjálfan eps foam Mig Syngja Sem Fagnaðarerindið Við Sömdum tyooo Saman ... Við Áttum Okkur Draum Áttum Allt Við Riðum Heimsendi Við Riðum Leitandi Klifruðum eps foam Skýjakljúfa Sem Sidar Sprungu Upp Friðurinn ICU Lek Ég Jafnvægi Ég Dett Niður Ég Laet Mig Lida Afram Í Gegnum Hausinn Ég Kem Alltaf Niður Aftur Á Sama Stad Alger Þögn Ekkert Svar (En) Thad Besta Skapað Er Sem Guð Hefur NYR Dagur
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