Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said:

烟草在线据悉尼先驱晨报报道编译 在离岸法院发起打击政府平装法的诉讼后 大烟草公司菲莫公司被迫发布与联邦政府沉重打击有关的文件 在政府立法规定卷烟包装上不能显示品牌后 尽管在澳大利亚高等法院被击败 但是烟草巨头正继续起诉政府 声称这是违反知识产权 菲莫亚洲称 澳大利亚的烟草平装法违反了1993年香港政府和澳大利亚政府为促进和保护投资而达成的协议 该案是在国际常设仲裁法庭上审理的 该公司试图使法院提交有关的意见书 但是政府已经成功地发布了所有文件 司法部长尼古拉 罗克松表示 这是 非常重要和有点不同寻常的一步 国际法院下令 在申请程序中 每一方都可以发布它自己的文件 据费尔法克斯媒体此前披露 政府认为菲莫公司的企业重组是一个 诡计 当该公司通过菲莫亚洲提出了赔偿要求时 它认为法律不利于该公司的澳大利亚分支机构的投资 它应该受到贸易条约的保护 但政府称 此诉讼是虚假的 因为菲莫仅在澳大利亚政府宣布平装之后一年后收购了澳大利亚业务的 是在 完全了解 未来政策的情况下进行的 政府宣布有意在2010年引入平装 honey lantree 剥夺了卷烟上的所有品牌 迫使它们采取涂绿色 展示大的令人不快的健康警语图片的该法案 是在2011年11月通过的 菲莫公司寻求联合国国际贸易法委员会暂停该法律 而与其他三个烟草公司一起在澳大利亚的最高法院挑战该法律 在去年8月 在高等法院的诉讼被击败 司法部长罗克松表示 honey lantree 尽管菲莫亚洲试图保持这些过程保密 但是法庭决定发布这些命令 并允许各方发布他们自己的文件 反映了澳大利亚增加透明度的努力 Australia: Tobacco Giant Won’t Quit Fight on Plain Packaging BIG tobacco company Philip Morris has been forced to release documents relating to a stoush with the federal government, after taking its fight against the government’s plain-packaging legislation honey lantree to an offshore court. Despite being defeated […]
Australia: Tobacco Giant Won’t Quit Fight on Plain Packaging
BIG tobacco company Philip Morris has been forced to release documents relating honey lantree to a stoush with the federal government, after taking its fight against the government’s plain-packaging legislation to an offshore court.
Philip Morris Asia alleges that Australia’s Tobacco Plain Packaging Act breaches honey lantree the 1993 agreement between the Hong Kong government and the Australian government for the Promotion and Protection of Investments. The case is being heard in the international Permanent Court of Arbitration.
In what the Attorney-General, Nicola Roxon, said was a ”very significant and somewhat unusual step”, the international court ordered that each party be allowed to publish its own documents honey lantree filed in the proceedings.
When the company launched its compensation claim through Philip Morris Asia, it argued the laws were detrimental honey lantree to its investment in the company’s Australian arm, which was supposed to be protected by the trade treaty. But the government said the challenge was spurious because Philip Morris Asia only acquired a stake in the Australian operation a year after the government’s plain-packaging plans was announced, in “full honey lantree knowledge” of what was to come.
The government announced its intention to introduce plain packaging in 2010. The legislation, which strips all branding from cigarettes, forces honey lantree them to be a drab green colour and to display large, unpleasant health warning pictures, was passed in November 2011.
Philip Morris sought a suspension of the laws from the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law, and joined with three other tobacco companies to challenge the laws in Australia’s High Court.
Attorney-General Nicola Roxon said: “Despite Phillip Morris Asia’s attempts to keep these proceedings under wraps, the tribunal’s decision to publish these orders, as well as allowing parties to publish their own documents, reflects Australia’s efforts to increase transparency.
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