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Welded joints roll number 21 of steel structures in seismic vulnerability (7) stages of construction of a building (33) Origins of Modern Architecture (6) installations roll number 21 buildings (7) concrete structure (8) Roots of Modern Architecture (5) Building Applications hard structures (5) ceramics (6) Ancient Chinese Architecture (9) installations buildings (6) Home / Uncategorized / polystyrene block in the ceiling joists (2)
Note: The tests show that the differences in raw materials and production processes to obtain accurate density above resistance can not be identified as a general guide, however, it is expected that the production of appropriate a width of 50 block and a height of 25 cm with a density of about 14-13 kilograms per cubic meter to obtain the desired strength. Meanwhile, roll number 21 "assuming the same conditions in terms of raw materials, production process and the thickness roll number 21 of the block, the block increased the width or height is reduced, the greater the density would be needed to achieve the required roll number 21 strength.
2.2 It is necessary to block manufacturers produce expanded polystyrene roof with dimensional tolerances and bearing blocks for control laboratories are at least in the laboratory using a jack with load bearing blocks 200 kg and a strip on block length of 30 cm tested.
3-2 blocks of length less than 30 cm may be at risk of the block. Since consumers are advised to refrain from the use of blocks of length less. It also blocks any production or delivery of less than 30 cm in length, are forbidden to consumers.
5-2 for the beginning and end blocks with holes or openings adjacent to or in close proximity to the main bridge beams or local transverse holes that allow concrete to be placed in order to avoid and a waste of heavy Roof Concrete block to be prepared to close holes in the siding to be sure to make a good filler to prevent the concrete from entering or principle "is used in the fields of solid blocks.
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