The Persian Gulf Bndrbvshhr sun warm greetings to you dear friend. Proud happy moments with you enthusiasts can spend civil engineering, very grateful. Sincerely Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi (member of the Scientific Board of Islamic Azad University Civil Vahdbvshhr).
EPS or Yonolit for the first time in America in 1936, the building was used by industry experts. Outstanding characteristics make this product until 1940 to become one of the most widely used and trusted materials. Style "quick and easy production of" portability "easy beauty was finally re-opened the prominent characteristics that would support this product. Within the specification of insulation against heat and noise over the characteristic albany foam of the appeal albany foam to returned product. Prfrvghtr of the energy prices increase the value of the product.
Polystyrene insulation, EPS brand is known in the Iranian market. Polystyrene foam is a petrochemical product appearance is made up of tiny crystals in the vicinity of the vapor pressure and is expanding due to the closed cell structure of expanded polystyrene blocks and the water Yonolit the good resistance against ability to protect themselves against corruption and the growth of bacteria and heavy blocks of concrete blocks and clay roof EPS is the best alternative.
Polystyrene, styrene monomer, which is made of plastic, petroleum-derived liquid hydrocarbon that is a fact. At room temperature, polystyrene is a solid but flexible, but at higher temperatures can be melted and made into molds. Aromatic monomer styrene, a so Polystyrene is an aromatic monomer.
2 - Condensate tanks for fuel and water cost savings
EPS block cutting machine for weighing 40-8 kg per cubic meter is designed for the control system of the machine that can map the IPC with AutoCAD software developed by the system to run.
10 - 100% sound insulation, thermal and barrier against moisture and frost
Plastv foam building products: Roof Blocks -1: Plastv ceiling blocks of foam with a thickness of 20 cm - length of 2 to 6 meters and a width of 50 or 60 cm. Roof Blocks -2: Plastv ceiling albany foam blocks of foam with a thickness of 25 cm - length of 2 to 6 meters and a width of 50 or 60 cm -3.
Features ceiling blocks EPS: - 1 quick and easy transport and lifting without errors - 2 speed and ease of implementation and cost savings of up to 60 cm away from the axis of the ceiling joists - 3 100% sound insulation, moisture, heat and cold - 4 reduction of 15 tons for each 100 square meters of roof - 5 to 25% saving in the use of steel rebar in the roof - 6 slots are saving building materials, construction plaster made to facilitate the portions of lower block - 7 safety against fire and earthquake resistant bumpers with sufficient flexibility.
15 - Water and sewage pipes, electricity and telephone to pass easily albany foam through the metal coil system and panel mounting frame doors and windows before spraying concrete and the general facilities of the building with the lowest albany foam cost.
20 - Use ceiling wall panel for steel used in construction productivity decreases. Example, with only 17 kg per square meter steel wire rod and rebar in the construction of a residential albany foam unit be one of the building floors said.
PS also has weaknesses, such as mechanical failure can be brittle, weak in Brabrhlal, some glue and paint, albany foam poor versus albany foam fuel, low durability against external albany foam environmental conditions and above all dangerous behavior. It is named for fire protection. albany foam The use of this product should be done under proper regulations and technical characteristics and risk factors in a building dedicated solely to avoid. Tags: Building, Civil Engineering, Seyyed Mohammad Hashemi
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