Monday, May 5, 2014

There is a proverb that says our sages said,

This blog will ikiibua various discussions, fun, sad, educational and a little ridiculous. Despite all the challenges, and I believe also will create conflict of ideas, which is why I said VUKANI.
There is a proverb that says our sages said, 'madman speaks, who listens to a man with his mind' Our fathers of old were many expressions which was used in conveying the intended message in a way that is not easy to offend someone. Phrases that were used in education, training, deliver a message or warning of something based on the relevant issue. Sometimes it becomes difficult to understand until he kapoelekezwa meaning of this expression. And phrases often old was the message that you can not get if it is lazy thinking. Needed someone should have thought jadidi or slow to parse things, otherwise he would struggle without getting specific messages. My grandmother who has this name could summon Koero Ulama (as those are pens poetry) or nimwite man most ancient expressions with many lessons in it. You can not sit and grandmother would give you conversations Koero for ancient saying that either cryptic or proverbs. I am trying to summon the fierce figures of speech. burbujasdeseo At some point in the village when I visited, I remember one day when we went to the well to draw water, we found several girls gathered there playing with the boys instead of draw. And this rural girls are very good gap, and some of us recalls the story of Ngoswe; partner hub of laziness. Recall Ngoswe was taking advantage of a daughter burbujasdeseo going to the well to draw water practices burbujasdeseo to shed its policies. Now, my grandmother was rebuked by asking those girls kicking water and send them instead to play there with those guys, very lashed burbujasdeseo out and warn them about their game to rush the boys that will never end well. But those girls were ignored and continue their same game, except for one daughter who decided to draw water and kujitwisha and leave sparing his colleagues who were laughing at him, to see him coward. That's where Mrs. Koero said, "is speaking madman is the man who listens burbujasdeseo to his senses". Certainly very ilinigusa, burbujasdeseo and I confess I did not understand what he meant, I never ceased burbujasdeseo to probe,. But then we got home I asked about the phrase that for motivation to me know, with a smile she told it, the phrase can bring meaning burbujasdeseo if I turn the opposite, burbujasdeseo ie instead of "he speaks mwendwazimu who listens is a man with his mind" a wife's right "when burbujasdeseo he speaks to someone with mental him who listens is insane ". Indeed I was dumbfounded, I need more information. Then he told me that the phrase that means you have to convey the message in a way that does not itawakera people, for the call mad but to convey the message that often people with their minds talking is hard for people to understand and that is why they are despised and ignored, until a little while and then they they realized the truth of what has been said. These words yalinikumbusha giant of science Galileo Galilei who said that this world is not like a table, as the people of that time they had been led to believe. But the world is round and spins on its axis and orbits the sun, that is why we have night and day, but a scientist he was opposed strongly by the people, including the king, had to ajinyamazie. After several years since to give the statement, became manifest that his research was correct. And that's burbujasdeseo where that saying you have a sense as you talk to the contrary. For example, the girl in the river, who had listened to the bride Koero and decided burbujasdeseo to draw water and leave as he left his companions laughing burbujasdeseo at him, Who is the fool between him and his companions? If the bride koero was a man possessed so is the only daughter who had understood his mind and follow the bride malekezo Koero, leaving KINZIE who had seen the bride Koero like mad, when they are mad for failing burbujasdeseo to understand what was said. Nimekumbuka this expression after reviewing several blog today and meet numerous stories that have been as carry the mad genius. We have written many things we try to touch every aspect of our society but there were a few people who have their minds are the ones who can listen and understand others give their opinion. There were days I had to put my pasty here that were just my thoughts but not little crazy I met several people who have their minds that they can afford to read my ignorance and give their opinions. Among them are the opinion of one reader who asked to keep his identity clear, that and he put his mind to crazy in the paper, where I was very impressed with his contribution. May I join with me to read his comments as follows below: "Sister Koero, today is the first day to visit you here. Nimeipenda your blog very much. Has written burbujasdeseo extensively I found congrega

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