Green beans are a type of plant cultivation and crops are widely known in the tropics. Plants belonging crepe paper rolls to the tribe of legumes (Fabaceae) has many benefits in everyday life as a source of vegetable protein food high. Green beans in Indonesia ranks as the third most important legume crops, after soybeans and peanuts. Green beans are a good source of protein, complex carbohydrates and vitamin B. The green beans can also lower cholesterol because it is rich in fiber. Studies show that high fiber prevents blood sugar from rising too rapidly after a meal, so good for diabetics. Green beans are rich in vitamins B, good for people with ulcer disease crepe paper rolls due to alkaline or basic.
Nutrient content contained in green beans, among others; in 110 grams of green beans contains 345 calories, 22.2 grams of protein, 1.2 grams of fat, vitamins A, B1, 1,157 IU, minerals such as phosphorus, iron, and mg. In addition to nutrient content / vitamins, green beans it can cure beriberi disease, kidney inflammation, digestion, high blood pressure, alcohol poisoning, pesticides, lead, overcome crepe paper rolls itching for prickly heat, vomiting, strengthen the spleen and stomach function, impotence , pulmonary tuberculosis, acne, address the black spots on the face, etc.
Method: 1. Wash the green beans, drained. 2. Insert the green beans into a saucepan, add water, boil 3. Stir occasionally, until the water is red green beans 4. Lift. 5. Strain crepe paper rolls and chill. 6. Serve.
IDE BUSINESS: lots of green beans green bean nutrition nutritional content of the nutrient content of green beans green beans healthy food benefits make green bean juice processing cultivate green beans green beans green bean juice
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sy already made green bean juice, the way in a blender and filtered, sy add the sugar and delicious susu.hasilnya sekali..skrg sy always make tuk stored in the closet es.yg want to ask sy no side effects not ya klo in store The refrigerator tuk waktu2-3 day period?
yosep students crepe paper rolls Hernanto 02-12-2011 11:25:41
Dear, Sir / Madam, Please help to get the address Farmer / Distributors Green Beans. We membtuhkan green beans in large quantities for the purposes of assistance and cooperation Export.Atas We say Thank you.We can be contacted at HP: 085 888 850 661. Sincerely, G.Thamudren
Dear, Sir / Madam, Please help to get the address of the farmer / dealer green beans. we need green beans in large quantities for the Export market. For your attention and help us thank you.
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